VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

A purpose in my life is listening the people, but not all people, of course, just principally to the older people (more older than me ). Their purposes almost finished and their pleasure is talk about it and is for my a pleasure to listening them.
when you have purposes a lot and all thing bring to you happiness, those things aren’t balance with others that you don’t have in your way and you never thought about that those things can happen? same is when you have a purpose and a day you can’t do it because something happened, what happen now?
Very interesting article, but I thinking that in the life you can’t to have all the control, you can try and enjoy that for as long as possible, also there are too many disappointments.

A purpose in my life is listening to some people, but not all people, of course, just principally to older people. Their life purposes are almost finished and their pleasure is to talk about it and it is for me a pleasure to listen them.
when you have a lot of purposes and everything brings you happiness, those things aren’t balanced with others that you don’t have in your way and you never thought that those things could happen? same when you have a purpose and one day you can’t do it because something happened, then what happens now?
Very interesting article, but I think that in life you can’t have all the control, you can try and enjoy that for as long as possible, also there are too many disappointments.



savory < > sweet – type of food, not flavor


I come here to learn English
I come here because I want to learn English

I bring some flowers to my mum
I bring my mum flowers 

I like cold / some / columbian coffee

There are 2 cups of coffee on the table. One cup is hot and one is cold. I like the cold coffee.

to do
eg. I like drinking coffee
eg2. I like to drink coffee

drinking coffee is fun
to drink coffee is fun

it’s impossible to understandi can’t understand it