VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

These days weather is very annoying,from winter to summer,it hasn’t spring.I originally get ready lost weight in the spring. I’m not kidding. I weight much more these months. I have to go on a diet.  How can I love myself when I look like this? I can’t eat too much,Actually i have been trying to lose weight in my heart, and I have decided to do it until now. when i think of myshlf wearing a new dress after lost weight, I started to feel good about myself again.
i use the ‘myself’in this homework,Josh said: Did you forget “myself” this word? Did you why not lost yourself? Would Jesse has cry? He should angry out of you.

These days the weather is very annoying. From winter to summer, there isn’t spring. I originally got ready to lose weight in the spring. I’m not kidding / seriously / really. I am heavier / I weigh more these months so I have to go on a diet.  How can I love myself when I look like this? I can’t eat too much. Actually i have been trying to lose weight in my heart, and I had not decided to do it until now. When i think of myself wearing a new dress after losing / I had lost weight, I started to feel good about myself again.
i use the word ‘myself’ in this homework and Josh said: Did you forget “myself” this word? Why did you not forget /lose yourself? I think Jesse should be angry with you and maybe will cry.


light < > heavy / qing < > zhong

primary school – xiao xue
middle school – zhong xue
high school – gao zhong
university / college – da xue
eg. he is in middle school now and maybe he will go to high school later
eg2. Do you think Josh will finish high school?

I am 33 years old… really / seriously / I’m not kidding. 

mature – cheng shu
eg. he is quite mature / he is pretty mature

he looks older than he is
he looks tall
I am older than you
I look older than you


There is a cup on the table

I study English / I studied English before / I have studied English for many years – dong ci
Studying English is hard – dong ming ci

Studying English at Smart English with Jesse every day is very good. – dong ming ci

I am angry with Josh because he played games for too long.

When I finish class with Josh, and I walk out to the lobby to get my other student, I will always ask them “how old do you think Josh is?” and they always say “about 25”