VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


that’s a big “but” / there’s a big “but” = say this when the sentence after “but” is really important

let / get / make
let = allow
get = ask
make = force 

my mum makes me do homework but I don’t want to / forces me to do

my mum gets me to clean my room before i go to school / asks me to do

my mum lets me play computer games so i’m happy / allows me to do

he always gives my daughter attention

he always focuses on my daughter

he loves my daughter more than I do 
he loves my daughter more than he loves me 

school jersey 

it’s not that they don’t know how to do it, it’s that they don’t like doing it.

proactive / take initiative – to do sth before sb asks you to do it
eg. you should be proactive at work / you should take initiative at work

borrow / loan / lend
eg. I borrow money from the bank. They loan money to me / they lend money to me

there’s nothing i can do

i’m just following orders

Writing exercise

Long time not to went dancing,so yesterday I went to the dance class and felt really hard for me to keep to’s let me once time realize the ages is deference.My muscles couldn’t give the powerful energy as quick as young people, I must be recognize.

I haven’t been dancing for a long time, so yesterday I went to the dance class and it felt really hard for me to keep the flow. It made me realise I’m old / realise the difference age makes. My muscles couldn’t give me powerful energy as quickly as young people. I must recognize this.

it has been a long time since I went dancing

what a difference a day can make. / it doesn’t make any different what time you arrive / i realised the difference money can make.