VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S / R]

Speaking exercise

Mrs glass wants to date with Mr Bean but when she rings Mr Bean doesn’t get out, which makes her really annoyed, then Mrs Scott takes Mrs Glass inside the apartment. Mrs Glass knocks on the 2nd flat’s door but there is no response which makes her angry and makes Mrs Glass doesn’t trust him anymore. Then she opens the door and finds out Mr Bean holding a white plate, using his cushion as the winning flag, his teddy bear dressed as a commentator and 2 enormous white plates as the wheels. She is unhappy because Bean promised to go to dinner with her and as his girlfriend she is extremely annoyed. Mr Bean rubs his fingers through his hair at first and then when he sees the calendar he realises that he has promised to go out with her.

Mrs Glass wants to have a date with Mr Bean but when she rings Bean’s he doesn’t come / go out, which makes her really annoyed / really annoyed her, then Mrs Scott takes Mrs Glass inside the apartment and she knocks on the 2nd flat’s door but there is no response which makes her angry and makes Mrs Glass doesn’t trust him anymore / further annoys her / puts her in a bad mood. Then she opens the door and finds out Mr Bean holding a white plate, using his cushion as the winning flag, his teddy bear dressed as a commentator and 2 enormous white plates as the wheels. She is unhappy because Bean promised to go to dinner with her and as his girlfriend she is extremely annoyed. Mr Bean runs his fingers through his hair at first and then when he sees the calendar he realises that he has promised to go out with her.


find – realise / search and locate
find out – to learn something / knowledge

I date Judy = Judy is my girlfriend

I go on a date with Judy / we have a date = we go out and do sth together

apartment / flat / unit / condo

bomb – n
get damaged 
have an accident


once 2 weeks – once every 2 weeks

when I was taken out of my mum’s tummy when I was born

use less money spend less money 

they might won’t be able to they might not be able to / they won’t be able to 


Lifestyle and home remedies for mites

Avoiding exposure to dust mites is the best strategy for controlling dust mite allergy. While you can’t completely eliminate dust mites from your home, you can significantly reduce their number. Here’s how:

  • Use allergen-proof bed covers. Keep your mattress and pillows in dustproof or allergen-blocking covers. These covers, made of tightly woven fabric, prevent dust mites from colonizing or escaping from the mattress or pillows. Encase box springs in allergen-proof covers.
  • Wash bedding weekly. Wash all sheets, blankets, pillowcases and bedcovers in hot water that is at least 130 F (54.4 C) to kill dust mites and remove allergens. If bedding can’t be washed hot, put the items in the dryer for at least 15 minutes at a temperature above 130 F (54.4 C) to kill the mites. Then wash and dry the bedding to remove allergens. Freezing nonwashable items for 24 hours also can kill dust mites, but this won’t remove the allergens.
  • Keep humidity low. Maintain a relative humidity below 50 percent in your home. A dehumidifier or air conditioner can help keep humidity low, and a hygrometer (available at hardware stores) can measure humidity levels.
  • Choose bedding wisely. Avoid bedcovers that trap dust easily and are difficult to clean frequently.
  • Buy washable stuffed toys. Wash them often in hot water and dry thoroughly. Also, keep stuffed toys off beds.
  • Remove dust. Use a damp or oiled mop or rag rather than dry materials to clean up dust. This prevents dust from becoming airborne and resettling.
  • Vacuum regularly. Vacuuming carpeting and upholstered furniture removes surface dust — but vacuuming isn’t effective at removing most dust mites and dust mite allergens. Use a vacuum cleaner with a double-layered microfilter bag or a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to help decrease house-dust emissions from the cleaner. If your allergies are severe, stay out of the area being vacuumed while someone else does the work. Wait about two hours before going back in the vacuumed room.
  • Cut clutter. If it collects dust, it also collects dust mites. Remove knickknacks, tabletop ornaments, books, magazines and newspapers from your bedroom.
  • Remove carpeting and other dust mite habitats. Carpeting provides a comfortable habitat for dust mites. This is especially true if carpeting is over concrete, which holds moisture easily and provides a humid environment for mites. If possible, replace wall-to-wall bedroom carpeting with tile, wood, linoleum or vinyl flooring. Consider replacing other dust-collecting furnishings in bedrooms, such as upholstered furniture, nonwashable curtains and horizontal blinds.
  • Install a high-efficiency media filter in your furnace and air conditioning unit. Look for a filter with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of 11 or 12 and leave the fan on to create a whole house air filter. Be sure to change the filter every three months.