VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


in morning in the morning

teammate – dui you

Speaking exercise

in the morning I played a game. the game was funny. the game name is huang ye xin dong. I rided motorbike and run away from my enemy. I screamed help me help me! The motorbike was too fast so I crashed. In the morning I ate ramen noodles and they smell nice. I went to my room to play my game 10 minutes.

in the morning I played a game which was fun. the game‘s name is / the game is called huang ye xin dong. I rode a motorbike and ran away from my enemy. I screamed help me help me! The motorbike was too fast so I crashed. In the morning I ate ramen noodles and they smelled nice. I went to my room to play my game for 10 minutes.

and / but / because / so