VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


What’s happening at work right now that you’re unhappy about? Use the vocabulary from today and tell me sth that happened at work recently regarding this.

Today we focused on:

Focused a lot on grammar, and using English rather than Chinese to express things.


every companies – every company 

it’s hard for every company

I am good for you – the effect
I am good to you – I treat you
My mum is good to my dad but she is bad for him.

there are 2 people will training with me – there are 2 people who will train with me

I have a friend that / who is fat.
I have a phone that / which is black.

are not worse than theirs 

I went to a place which was really fun. It is in Sanya.
I saw a guy outside who said he was really tired. He is from Australia.


the day after tomorrow / in 2 days 
the day before yesterday / 2 days ago 

raise my salary / give me a raise / I got a raise 

put a freeze on raises – they are not increasing salaries this year


get a higher level / position / get a promotion / get promoted

atmosphere – the feeling of the environment around you

change my job – get a new job 

at first / originally – ben lai
first – xian
at first – ben lai

out of all of our business, most is in the US and Europe and only a small part / amount is in China

south east asia – dong nan ya

NESW – like a clock 
NSEW – up down right left 
DNXB – right down left up
DXNB – right left down up

Needs more review

have done – now my situation is it already finished
had done – in the past my situation was it already finished
I have been doing = I started in the past and I am doing it still
eg. Today I have taught 3 students. In the morning before 12PM I had taught 1 student.

community / complex – xiao qu

Speaking exercise

2 years ago I traveled in sanya with my friend. We booked a hotel named wen hua dong fang. This hotel is like a village style. The service is good and the hotel’s environment is very beautiful and the hotel is really big because it’s near the sea. We went to beach and there were many foreigners who was sunbathing and who were reading books.

2 years ago I traveled to sanya with my friend. We booked a hotel named wen hua dong fang which was like a village style. The service was good and the hotel’s environment was very beautiful. The hotel is really big because it’s near the sea. We went to the beach and there were many foreigners who were sunbathing and (who were) reading books.