VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


perspective – a way of thinking based on your position
eg. my perspective on Chinese people is from a westerner’s perspective

emotion – things you feel
eg. happiness is a great emotion

speak – the ability to communicate using your mouth / language
eg. I can speak English. I speak loudly.
speak out – to say sth in support / against some idea
eg. women in this company are treated badly so Jesse decided to speak out against it
say – to make words come out of your mouth
eg. I said “hello” / I said you are a nice person

depreciate – when a currency / product goes down in value

he’s a bad influence on you – the affect he has on you is bad

I was usually in the top 5 or in the top half of the class

give up on my education
eg. my mum gave up on my education

threshold – think “I need to go THROUGH and HOLD the score so I can pass”

resume / CV – “rez you may” / “rez oo may”

regret – hou hui


cruel – krew wel / say it in 2 parts then become 1
cool – kool
crew – krew
world – wer rel d – say it in 3 parts then become 1
word – werd 


however whenever / anytime i meet my friends and when we are in the way go home –

1 hour an a half – 1 and a half hours / an hour and a half
2 and a half hours 

apples are good for me
my mum is good to / for me

I am good to you = I treat you well
I am good for you = the effect I have on you is good


Speaking exercise

I was a good student when i was in primary school and i don’t think i was a good student from high school to university because when i was a kid my parents were very strict on me and i had to study hard, my mother didn’t allow me to play with other kids. When my mother first met them she said they were not good for me.