VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Talk about bikes / your experience / your fears / what people think about it.

Next Class Focus

different ways to say 有 in English (have / there is)

review the speaking from today and make sure everything is clear.


right – that’s true

yeah yep / ok  – most ways of saying “en”

become a habit – xi guan

born like this / natural 

shampoo (washing) – conditioner (make hair soft)

suburb (living) < > city (business) < > countryside (farms)

extreme sports – dangerous sports
eg. I’m really into extreme sports

is it free? right.. / yes it’s free / yeah

make a tattooget a tattoo

get = become / receive / have
eg. I got sick = became
eg2. I got a new phone from my boyfriend = receive
eg3. I got a cup from the kitchen = now I have it

get over it / get sick of it
we’re over (finished) but I’m not over him (I still care about him)

licence plate – pai zhao
eg. the licence plate for bikes in SH is 300 thousand RMB

1 wan – jia yi ge ling, bian cheng thousand = 10 thousand
10 wan – jia yi ge ling, bian cheng thousand = 100 thousand
100 wan – xin de (million) – 1 million
1000 wan – 10 million

motorcycle / motorbike

I will get my motorbike licence 

he play this kind of sport – he does this kind of sport
I do weightlifting / I do yoga / I do that sport 

play football
play basketball
go swimming

kneel – v
knee – n


this year I will learn to ride motorcycles.

before I met him i never touch this i had never tried it / experience it / I didn’t know much about it 

the pronunciation governmentprovincial government

I back to my hometown – I go back (adv) to my hometown / I am back (adj) in my hometown

Speaking exercise

before i ride the motor i need to protect myself so i need a helmet, i need take the helmet, gloves, pads, and the club boss / owner will teach me how to ride moto, it’s a very patient warm. Once time I fall down and my wrist and kneel have a pain about a week because the moto is very heavy. (Can they give you a lighter one?) have this kind of moto, it’s not very heavy, but I haven’t choose it. I like the type of the moto is more race

before i ride the bike i need / have to protect myself so i need a helmet, gloves, pads, and the club boss / owner is teaching me / has been teaching me how to ride bikes, and this person is a very patient and warm man. Once time I fell down and my wrist and knee got hurt for about a week because the bike is very heavy. (Can they give you a lighter one?) there is this kind of bike, and it’s not very heavy, but I didn’t choose it. I like the type of the bike that is more for racing