VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Today we focused on:

review + use to do , am used to sth


打车da che – call a taxi / find a taxi / get a taxi 

lan che – flag down a taxi

升职加薪shen zhi jia xin – to get promoted / to get a promotion
eg. I want to get a promotion this year = I want to change from Manager to Snr Manager

拿快递na kuai di – get a delivery / pick up a delivery / take a delivery from outside / bring a delivery in

达标da biao – reach the target / achieve the target / get the target
eg. I cannot reach the target this month because of the corona virus

扫墓sao mu – pay tribute / remember my relatives who have passed away 

explain – jie shi
eg. it’s hard to explain
describe – xing rong

basically – ji ben shang
eg. I basically always teach one on one.

cha bu duo
women cha bu duo – we have basically finished (class)
is that right? cha bu duo – yes that is basically right
is that full? cha bu duo – yes it is basically full
you always teach one on one? en, cha bu duo – yes I basically do / yes basically 

We both know the time, so “did / went / had” = On Monday I had a birthday party then on Tuesday Shadow asked me “How was the birthday party?”. “Oh, it was great! We had fun”

We both know it’s just our experience from now, so “have done” = Shadow asked me “Have you gone to many parties?” – “Yes I have gone to many birthday parties before”

I walked to get healthy = I used to have Jesse’s class
I am comfortable with Jesse’s class = I am used to having Jesse’s class

video (conference) call – “con call”


colleague – coh leeg


Speaking exercise

We had a meeting at 10:30 and the meeting talked about April’s sales. Our boss was very worried about next month because at this month we sales a number / a lot of products to our old customers and we had no new customers, so our boss hope our had an new idea to get many sales.

We had a meeting at 10:30 and in the meeting we talked about / the meeting was about April’s sales. Our boss was very worried about next month because at this month we have sold a number / a lot of products to our old customers and we had no new customers / we don’t have any new customers, so our boss hopes we can have new ideas to get many / more / many more sales.