VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


What did Mr Bean do after he went home from the park? Remember how to use “the”!

Today we focused on:

did mr bean and reviewed the last couple of classes. talked a lot about “the” and how to use it.

Speaking exercise

The Mr Bean and his bears are have the picnic and he take out the 2 cakes and he eats 1 and another one is for his bear and he is having a rest and toy aeroplane is too noisy and disturbs Mr Bean’s rest and he sees the aeroplane player and he see so many ducks is under the bridge and the toy aeroplane scared the ducks away. The plane cuts the toy bear’s head. Mr Bean is very angry and he comes to the little boy because he wants to hit him but his father coming and his father is very strong and fat. Mr Bean says she is very hot and he go to the water and stay at the pool.

The Mr Bean and his bears are having a picnic and he takes out the 2 cakes and he eats 1 and the other one is for his bear and he is having a rest and a toy aeroplane is too noisy and disturbs Mr Bean’s rest and he sees the boy who is flying the plane and he sees so many ducks are under the bridge and the toy aeroplane scares the ducks away. The plane cuts the toy bear’s head so Mr Bean is very angry and he comes to the little boy / walks over to the boy because he wants to hit him but his father comes and he is very strong and fat. Mr Bean says he is very hot and he goes into the water and stays in / stands in the pool.


disturb – to make sb annoyed / not able to do sth
eg. Judy came into the room and disturbed Jesse and Athena.

cut – qie
eg. the plane cut the bear’s hear

walk over – walk to sb / sth

the – use it so the person can 100% know which thing you mean. If they can’t guess, it’s wrong!