VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Next Class Focus

passive voice for different times


episode – 15-30 mins of a show
season – 10-20 episodes per year
eg. I watch Friends which has 10 seasons, and in each season there are 15 episodes

contestant – sb on a game show

eg. Dog with a blog is a sitcom

Speaking exercise

He was in Japan and wanted to go to a museum but then he was hit by a naughty boy. The naughty boy made faces at him which made him very very angry. The boy was stared at by Mr Bean. Mr Bean’s bear was taken by the boy. He was very angry so the panda was taken by Mr Bean. A girl was playing with a lightning magnet radiation ball which can make her hair go up, and Mr Bean was touching the ball too but his hair too short so when he touched it, the hair wouldn’t get straightened. Then he saw a dog which was barking at him. He had an idea, so the dog was put on the ball by him and the dogs fur was straightened too. Mr Bean and the boy weren’t allowed to do anything like listen to music, playing with scooters inside the museum but he and the boy played with scooters all around and listened to jazz music, which made the policeman nearby really angry. He shouted playing with scooters is prohibited.

He was in Japan and wanted to go to a museum but then he was hit by a naughty boy. The naughty boy made faces at him which made him very very angry. The boy was stared at by Mr Bean. Mr Bean’s bear was taken by the boy. He was very angry so the panda was taken by Mr Bean. A girl was playing with a lightning magnetic radiation ball which could make her hair stand up, and Mr Bean was touching the ball too but his hair was too short so when he touched it, the hair wouldn’t stand up / get frizzy. Then he saw a dog which was barking at him. He had an idea, so the dog was put on the ball by him and the dogs fur stood up too. Mr Bean and the boy weren’t allowed to do anything like listening to music, riding scooters inside the museum but he and the boy rode a scooter all around and listened to jazz music, which made the policeman nearby really angry. He shouted playing on scooters is prohibited.