VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Body Language Ghost


verbally – related to speech / talking
eg. I need to communicate it verbally = I need to say it

70% of communication is non verbal 

fun = makes you happy / excited / enjoy
funny = makes you laugh / feel weird
interesting = makes you think

purposely – deliberately / gu yi de
eg. I purposely asked you to talk about a simple topic so you could focus on grammar.

posture – shape and position of your body
eg. yoga can help you to have better posture

sequel – the one after
prequel – previous one
the prequel to sims 2, is sims 1.
the sequel to sims 2, is sims 3.

latest / most recent = newest

released – came out 
acted in it – in it 

Speaking exercise

i went to yunnan with my mum and the reason why we went to there because my mum want to have relax / want to relax so we to there and the bad weather. Yunnan is a beautiful city and it has a very special, very fascinating view in there but depends on the good weather so when we arrived there the weather is not good, it’s raining outside and didn’t have sunshine but the good view is also very important because i want to took some great photos there but I couldn’t.

i went to yunnan with my mum and the reason why we went there because my mum wanted to have a relax / wanted to relax so we went there and the bad weather….. Yunnan is a beautiful city and it has a very special, very fascinating view there but it depends on the good weather so when we arrived there the weather was not good, it was raining outside and there was no / wasn’t any sunshine but the good view was also very important because I wanted to take some great photos there but I couldn’t.


I don’t have any water
I have no water (slang) – li yu

There isn’t any water
There is no water (slang) – li yu

if have a topic to speakif I have a topic to talk about 

lend / lent (past)

I didn’t play any this type of gamesI didn’t play any games like this