VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


glasses have no colorclear lens glasses / not sunglasses

contact lenses / contacts – yin xing yan jing

throw up / vomit / spew – tu – when you’re sick
spit – kou shui chu lai / tu

these years – these days 

they will IPO – they will be listed / they will go IPO 

investor – tou zi ren
eg. I’m talking with an investor who will invest in my company

constant / constantly – continuous / over and over / not stopping
eg. the door constantly makes a sound / I constantly forget English vocabulary

routine – the plan that you have every day / time to do sth
eg. my morning routine is to wake up, have a coffee, have a shower, feed the cat and go to work (i do the same thing every morning)


I used to it / I am used to it

I have already got used to it / I am already used to it

long time no drivei haven’t driven for a long time 

Speaking exercise

I used to want to be a yoga teacher as I really like yoga which is heathy and relaxing. Meanwhile I hoped to get a job which I could be a freelancer / could have a more free life. But now I have changed my mind because I just want to enjoy yoga, I did’t need to study muscle knowledge which are a little boring. I think a teacher should be powerful、 interesting and logical. All of these are very important

I used to want to be a yoga teacher as I really like yoga which I find healthy and relaxing. Meanwhile I hoped to get a job in which I could be a freelancer / could have a more free life. But now I have changed my mind because I just want to enjoy yoga, I don’t need to study muscle knowledge which is a little boring. I think a teacher should be powerful、 interesting and logical, which I think many people agree with. All of these are very important.