VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Next Class Focus

Focus on interview questions and answers.


Write about your life in SH, what changes have you seen? How many years have you been living here? What changes do you think are good? Which ones are bad? Use conjunctions (because, but, so, and, which, what) to make longer sentences.


how to say?how do you say? 

I don’t know if you are happy or not.

is – was
are – were 

I reply to you.

the message = it = which = “and it”
eg. I have a computer. It is black. = I have a computer and it is black. = I have a computer which is black.
eg2. I went to buy a computer. It took 1 hour. = I went to buy a computer and it took 1 hour.  = I went to buy a computer which took 1 hour.

what = the thing that
eg. I want what you have. = I want the thing that you have.

I know you. = I know what you are. = I know the thing you are.
I know the thing which you have.


sacrifice – 牺牲;舍弃
eg. my husband sacrifices many things because he loves me

regarded – like / as / about
regret – hou hui


them – thehhhhm

time – finish the word with your mouth closed

Speaking exercise

I waked up at 10 o’clock in the morning then check what we need to do today. I responded some messager what from my customers. The messages is talk about orders, some details about jewelries. Then I told my staffs what they need to do today. Today when I asked anyone is available in Sunday for photoshootings, all of them told me they are busy, but next month I have a vacation in sri lanka, maybe some days for work, some days for holiday with my daughter so they will also get free during that days and I already told them what will happened, and I told you should work hard before I leave. That’s why their answers make me feel so angry.

I woke up at 10 o’clock in the morning and then checked what we need to do today. I responded to some messages which were from my customers. The messages were about orders, including some details about jewelry. Then I told my staff what they need to do today. Today when I asked if anyone is available on Sunday for a photo shoot / for a shoot, all of them told me they are busy, but next month I have a vacation in sri lanka, so maybe I will spend some days for work, and some days for holiday with my daughter so they will also be free during those days and I already told them what would happen / will happen, and I told them / my staff “you should work hard before I leave”. That’s why their answers made me feel so angry.