VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


there is a big time difference between the US and China so when you travel between these countries you get jetlagged / you have jet-lag 

drive a camelride a camel 

she ever lived there – she lived there before

this is the best coffee I have ever had.

lamp – the bottle in Alladin

sand dune – sand hill

hump – the big thing on a camel’s back

lyrics – the words to a song
eg. do you know the lyrics to that song?

acapella – sb who sings without backing music / instruments

busker – a person who plays music on the street for money
eg. The man is busking on the street

street performer – same as busker but anything, not just music

choir (singing) / band (all music)

I am different from you < > I am the same as you / I am like you

She is like the man who sings “you raise me up”

record a video / make a video / video something
record audio (sound) / make a recording

edit – cut / change


I take a photo of you
I take a photo for you
I take a photo to you
I take a photo with you

Speaking exercise

When I went through the David street i saw a girl, she stood at the square and she opened a book and put on the stand, then she start singing. She has short brown hair and big eyes and shining in her eyes when she was singing. Everyone went through her and stand for her and listening to her quietly and her sounds travel far away. I like her songs so I take a photo for her and video her.

When I was on David street i saw a girl who stood in the square and she had opened a book and had put it on the stand / who was standing in the square and had a book which was open on a stand, then she started singing. She had short brown hair and big eyes and a sparkle in her eyes while she was singing. Everyone who went past her, stood for her and listened / stood to listen to her quietly and her sounds traveled far away / you could hear her from very far away. I like her songs / I’m really into her amazing songs / I’m a big fan of her music so I took a photos and a video of her.