VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]



Sorry would you mind repeating that for me? I didn’t quite get it / understand
Sorry could you say that again I didn’t quite understand
Sorry do you mean?
Sorry what did you mean by ______?
Sorry, you went to where??? and you bought some makeup? / Sorry you did what??? at Sephora?

I can try – sounds like you might fail
I’m really looking forward to it / I’m prepared to get involved / It’s something I’m really eager to do 

I am responsible for

Speaking exercise

I’m responsible for the hosting maintenance work infrastructure for example the delivery management and evaluate the requirement for example initiating projects which includes scope, structure, and what they hope to do for this project… besides this I will do some security work about infrastructure which includes helping vendors to assess their current security situation of the company, and during this time I have found there to be several issues with the security situation that I hope to improve in this new position.

I know how to consolidate the network which is important as sometimes there will be intrusions which I’m able to prevent.

If there is a security incident

find some weaknesses to improve

The security organisation is not strong enough

Not enough information on data leaks

There’s no data leak protection solution


colleague –  tong shi – col leeg 

college – da xue- col lij