VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Speaking exercise

She is a girl. Her name is Lucy. At the evening she is sleeping on the bed in the room. She is get up, she look at the clock, it’s 9:30. Her mum is making breakfast for her son and daughter. Lucy is coming, Tony is coming. They are eating breakfast with mum. They are eating milk, a piece of bread, biscuits. They learned eat food with dad and mum is good. If no dad, it is bad and mum is angry.

She is a girl and her name is Lucy. In the evening she is sleeping on the bed in the room. She gets up, and she looks at the clock, and it’s 7:30. Her mum is making breakfast for her son and daughter. Lucy is coming, and Tony is coming. They are eating breakfast with mum and they are drinking milk, and eating a piece of bread, and biscuits. They learned eating food with dad and mum is good but if there is no dad, it is bad and mum is angry.

and / because / so / but / if / when 

I like Sherry and Sherry likes me.

I like Sherry because she is nice.

I like ice cream so I eat it every day.

I like Sherry but Sherry doesn’t like me.

If I eat too much ice cream, I will get fat.

When Sherry is here, she is happy!


push – tui
eg. Mr Bean pushes the door closed

pull – la
eg. Mr Bean wants to pull his tooth out

string – xian
eg. ties the string to the tree

the car crashed into the tree

glue – jiao shui
eg. he uses glue to stick his tooth to his finger

dentist – ya yi

oil – you
corn – yu mi
eg. You can make popcorn with oil and corn

bite – yao
eg. the dog is biting the cat