VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Sherry: How are you? / How’s it going?

Very good
Good / Pretty good
Not bad


And you? / How about you? / What about you?

Very good
Good / Pretty good
Not bad


subjects at school: Maths, Chinese, art, music, English, PE (sport),

single = 1
double = 2
triple = 3
eg. double 5 = 10
eg2. double 4 = 8
eg3. triple 10 = 30
eg4. this game is single player = 1 person can play this game

I don’t understand – wo bu dong

100 = 1 hundred 

550 = 500 and 50
950 = 900 and 50
999 = 900 and 99

1000 = 1 thousand

Speaking exercise

I wake up at 8 o’clock and then I eat breakfast at the 8:09 and then I go to playground at the 9:11 and then I go to home because I am writing my homework. I eat fish, soup, noodles and meat at the lunch. I am 5 o’clock come here. I am read English.

I wake up at 8 o’clock and then I eat breakfast at 8:09 and then I go to the playground at 9:11 and then I go home because I do / go home to do my homework. I eat fish, soup, noodles and meat at / for lunch. I come here to study English at 5 o’clock.


原因 – reason
to + verb 动词
for + noun 名词
I come here for English
I come here to study English