VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Next Class Focus

Correct speaking – focus on sentence structure.


subjective – based on opinion
objective – based on fact


chronic – unable to fix / continuously comes back
eg. I have chronic back pain

eg. some communities in Africa are self sustaining

Speaking exercise

born in a family, big family from the start, work and help and serve, talking ability, working together is needed.

At first the video gives you some evidence about the people now feel lonely is increasing and in different countries there are different people feeling alone and at the end the video said that it was part of your biology. Well but the video said that when you feel lonely then you are lonely but lonely can be positive for different people, and you can be alone but you can choose to be happy, happy with reading a book alone, etc… but most being lonely is pessimistic.

today we don’t need family as usual. people would like to have a life alone with individual ability and students maybe will have a trip to another city for studying and maybe adults will want to move to another city for a new job or maybe for a new life and the peoples around you are not that important in your life anymore, and so you depend on yourself and make something better.

it’s basically a bad circle, when you get lonely your mood gets worse and life is worser and you pay much attention about others moods and others action but you dont get the clear mind and you just get some more aggressive meanings but actually it doesn’t. When you’re a bad mood or you feel really lonely and your mental health will in a more danger place and the pains in your mind could let your body go down.

First you should open your door to others and accept others invitation and maybe try not to focus on others aggressive things but maybe positive things like trying to figure out that you’re not adding your feelings on them and finding out that their real meaning and real move and actions, not just think they think im bad, so I’m bad, you should turn around and see another side of the world and maybe you can find some hope and try to be active with others like have a try to new things to new friends to new environment could help a lot.