VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Review the notes. If you have time, write about your day.

Needs more review

wardrobe – yi chu

he lamp is next to the bed

xi zang nan lu is the next stop 

last < > next
eg. the last stop was JingAn Temple and the next stop is Xi Zang Nan lu

blanket – bei zi
eg. I have a blanket on my bed

The window is above the couch < > The bed is below the couch

I do / get / buy / cook / have / wash
I did / got / bought / cooked / had / washed
I am doing / getting / buying / cooking / having / washing
I was doing / getting / buying / cooking / having / washing
I will be
doing / getting / buying / cooking / having / washing


When I got here I was washing my hands – past time, doing 

ten – 10
– 11
– 12

teen – 13 – 19

1 hundred
150 – 1 hundred and 50
155 – 1 hundred and 55

1050 – 1 thousand 
10,000 – 10 thousand
150,060 – 100 thousand

1,000,000 – 1 million

10,000 – 1 wan
100,000 – 10 wan
1,000,000 – 100 wan

hundred, & ten, 1


1 hundred and 60 million, 2 hundred and forty four thousand, 2 hundred and twenty two.

1st = first
2nd = second

You are my first / 1st student and she is my second student.
Today is the first /1st of January, and tomorrow is the second of January.

go in < > go out 

go upstairs < > go downstairs
I am upstairs < > I am downstairs 

dining room – the place you eat at home (eat dinner)

path – xiao lu
eg. I walked on the path for 5 minutes

hall – guo dao
eg. I walk into the hall and then walk into the kitchen

Speaking exercise

at 7AM

on Monday / Tuesday

Today / yesterday / tomorrow 

breakfast / lunch / dinner
eg. have breakfast / eat breakfast
eg2. had breakfast / ate breakfast

have a shower / had a shower

brush my teeth / brushed my teeth

cook breakfast / cooked breakfast

clean my room / cleaned my room

I got up at 7AM and then I had a shower at 7:30 in my home. I brushed my teeth at 8 and then I cooked breakfast in my kitchen at 8:30 and then I cleaned my room for 30 minutes / half an hour.


fifTEEN- 15

FIFty – 50

bedroom – dr = jjj – bejjroom