VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


How are you?

Very good
Pretty good
Not bad

How about you? / What about you?

Very good
Pretty good
Not bad

same – yi yang < > different – bu yi yang
eg. Red is the same as red, but blue is different to red

right (you) < > left (zuo)

pair – 2 together
eg. I have a pair of shoes
eg2. I have a pair of pants

buy (买)< > sell (卖)
eg. I can buy something at the shops

mall – shang chang
eg. I go to the mall to have fun and buy things

minute – fen zhong
eg. I have class for 60 minutes

usually – jing chang

price – jia ge
eg. the price of Coke is very cheap

swimsuit – you yong yi

blind – a person who can’t see

Speaking exercise

I walk on the path and I go up the steps and then I open the door and go into the hall. I turn left and I go into the kitchen to make food. I go to the dining room to eat dinner. Then, I go to the living room to watch TV.

Lisa loves to go shopping. Tomorrow she is going shopping. She needs a new pair of shoes. She wants to buy a pair of red shoes. She thinks red shoes are pretty. She will buy a pair of shoes at the mall. Lisa usually shops at the mall. She just walks to the mall. It only takes her 20 minutes. Tomorrow she will go to four different shoe stores. Tomorrow is Saturday. The mall always has sales on Saturday. If the sale price is good, Lisa might buy two pairs of shoes.

the steps are very long and Mr Bean is walking down the steps