VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Next Class Focus

Focus on IETLS only for all future classes for now.


1. What work do you do?
2. Why did you choose to do that kind of work?
3. Do many people in your country choose to do that type of work?
4. What are your responsibilities at work?

Write the answers to these questions and after correcting it next class do the same questions as speaking. Don’t read your written answers when doing the speaking answers.


I ever seen you before

you are the best student ever

I have never been to Japan < > I have been to Japan before.

familiar / similar
similar – a little the same
eg. you are similar to me = you are a little the same as me
eg. I am familiar with people in my family

communication / communicate – jiao liu

Purple + White + Light blue

1st answer
I like light color, different shades of purple, pink and blue. The color I most favourite is light purple. When I draw some paintings I also use the purple and light yellow because they are couples. If here has the color yellow and beside the yellow color is the best choice to put purple beside the yellow.

2nd answer
My favourite color is light purple because when I use this color I feel peace. When I use the purple color I will put the yellow color beside it because they are suitable for each other. I also use the cold gold and warm cold for my painting. They together with the purple will be very beautiful.


I woke up at 6 o’clock and then / after that / following this / afterwards got up at 6:30 / half past 6 in the morning / 6:30 AM / 30 minutes later. I didn’t have my breakfast because I went to the university with my students to see my professor because she need us to take her to the airport. My students went with her and I came back to my office and do some work and saw the other students. At 12 o’clock I eat some noodles with my students and then came back to my room for some rest because I was too tired these days.


colleagues – col leeegs – really soft 

then – air
