VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Choose a dish and write about the process for making it.

Next Class Focus

Review the speaking


melt the cheese

far sighted < > near sighted

good – betterbest
bad – worseworst 

stabilizes – to become stable
eg. when my eyes stabilize I will get surgery

soil – dirt that you grow things in

uncertain – not certain


batter – flour / milk etc to make pancakes etc

stir – move around and around
eg. you stir the flour and milk

add milk

the name is it’s called 

recipe – instructions for cooking


barn – “ar” – hard / smart
burn – “er” – her / shirt

flour – “flow wer” 

calamari – “cal la mar ree”

Speaking exercise

Correct next class.

Now it has a new chef, it’s Anna, and she’s Spanish. Now the food is more delicious but before I don’t like, 3 years ago I went there 2 times but now I came in 2 months 2 times. But there has food similar to in Spain. It have salad with tuna, but really good this salad.

Now it has a new chef, it’s Anna, and she’s Spanish. Now the food is more delicious but before I don’t like, 3 years ago I went there 2 times but now I came in 2 months 2 times. But there has food similar to in Spain. It have salad with tuna, but really good this salad.