VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean drives his car to the parking but he cant take the paper so he use a tool to take it. He is in the swimming pool and he is find how to go into the water and suddenly he looked – there are some boys going on a slide and he goes on the slide and wants to go into the water but lifeguard says to him “don’t go there” and to go to the other side. Then Mr Bean goes on the tall diving board and he climbing the ladder and want to dive but he is afraid because it is too tall.

Mr Bean drives his car to the parking but he cant take the ticket so he uses a tool to take it. He is in the swimming pool and he is finds how to get into the water and suddenly he looks and finds that there are some boys going on a slide and he goes on the slide and wants to go into the water but the lifeguard says to him “don’t go there” and to go to the other side. Then Mr Bean finds the tall diving board and he climbs the ladder and wants to dive but he is afraid because it is too tall / high.


ticket – piao

he blows a whistle / he whistles 

diving board – you can jump into the water from here

lifeguard – the man that helps people at a swimming pool

ladder (goes straight up) / stairs