VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


support – gu li

leave – left 

rules – things you must do / things you can’t do
eg. the rules in my class are that students must do their homework

common < > rare 
eg. Is it very common for people to leave at this time?
eg2. tea is very common in China but coffee is more common in the west

preview / premiere / present / prefix / pre (before)
eg. I watched the preview for the movie

preview – a short video before we see the movie

what the movie is about

suffix – after
readable – able to read / easy to read
likable – able to like = nice
subtitles = sub = bottom / under / go down
submarine – a boat under the water
5-1 = 4
submerse – put under water

There’s nothing I can do


ran = 3 sounds – rrr a n
rain = 4 sounds = rrr aaaa eeee n

says – sez
say – say
said – sed 

Jesse = jeh see

Je see

Her mee ya = Hermia

an apple
a dog

peer / pier / per

Speaking exercise

I taught a student last year. He can’t play piano very well and I taught him a month but he still can’t play it and I don’t know how to do, I’m so annoyed. But I can’t angry so I let him play a song slowly slowly and slowly and play it more than 10 times. Finally he can play it but I think the way is not good. I talk to his mother that the kid need to practice but his mother never let him practice.

I taught a student last year who couldn’t play piano very well and I taught him for a month but he still couldn’t play it and I didn’t know what to do, so I was so annoyed. But I couldn’t get angry so I let him play a song slowly at first and getting faster and faster and played it more than 10 times. Finally he could play it but I think that way is not good. I told his mother that the kid needed to practice but his mother never let him practice.


I must to do I must do / I should do

I need to do / I want to do / I like to do / I have to do

that + sentence
about + noun

we talked about English
I told you that you are nice

I didn’t know how to fix it.
I didn’t know what to do.

I know your name now.
last year I didn’t know your name = but now I do
I don’t know your name = now I don’t

I have class for 1 hour
I improve my English for my work