VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Do some writing but choose a topic from the website and write about it:

Speaking exercise

If I have a good mood I like to housework. It make me feel good and fresh. Usually I always listening some FM radio, some people’s interview or some popular music. A product it named Tmall jingling, it from Tmall team, it’s a little box but it have brain and technology. You ask it some question it will search more information for you. I to this products help me keep healthy habit such as it always to help us early in the bed and tell me weather and help me suitable clothes and if raining I will take umbrella. This product will help me tracking delivery information and it will make me some joke. If you ask it some funny question it will have weird answer.

If I’m in a good mood I like to do housework. It makes me feel good and fresh. Usually I always listen to some FM radio, to some interview program / show or some popular music. A product named Tmall jingling, is from the Tmall team, It’s a little box but it has a brain and technology / it is a little AI box. You ask it some questions and it will search for more information for you. This product helps me to keep healthy habits such as it always helps me to get to bed early and tells me the weather and helps me to find suitable clothes and if it’s raining I will take an umbrella. This product will help me to track delivery information and it will tell me some interesting things and make some jokes. If you ask it some funny questions it will have some weird answers.


whether – shi fou
eg. I will ask her whether she is willing to come to this shoot.

appearance – what she looks like
eg. I will tell my boss about her appearance

create / make a wechat group


noun – which one? how many? 
verb – what time? 

What is the time?
It is 8:20

What is the weather today?
It is rainy

search sth – the place you look in
search for sth – the thing you want to find
eg. I searched my car for my phone / I searched for my phone in my car.
e2. I searched online for some information / I searched for cooking skills online.

listening – v (now) / vn
I like water.
I like drinking.

Water is good.
Drinking is good.

do yoga / do housework / do homework / do cooking
make a cake

I / you / we / they = includes me and you or is more than 1 person – don’t add s
eg. I like / you like / we like / they like 

he / she / it / name = doesn’t include me and you + is only 1 person – add s
eg. he likes / she likes/ it likes / John likes


will – not “vill”