VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


insular / insulation / insulated – to keep things out / safe / the same
eg. living in Japan is a rather insular experience

as you get older / when you get older 

when = normal time / specific point
as / while = continuing times / process
during = in a time
eg. as I am talking you are listening
eg2. when I talk, you listen.
eg3. during class / in class / during my childhood / in my childhood

socialise = to be social = talk to people

tell the difference between you and your brother

identical twins < > fraternal twins

Speaking exercise

i think having a sister is a good thing because you have friends who can share everything with you. My sister is 2 years older than me and so he can helps me solve some problem. Also she graduated and support me when i was still a student. so now i think we can go travel together. for example when parents bought something for her when you were very young you always want the same thing but it’s not necessary for you. Some young girls always be jealous.

i think having a sister / sibling is a good thing because you have friends who can share everything with you. My sister is 2 years older than me and so she can help me solve some problems. Also she graduated and supported me when i was still a student / I was still at school. so now i think we can go traveling / travel together. for example when parents buy something for your sibling when you are very young you always want the same thing but it’s not necessary for you. Some young girls are always jealous.