VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Use the words from today in some writing! Use the word “which” to make longer sentences


NASA = Acronym for North American Space Agency

Eng = English – Abbreviation 

USA = stands for United States of America – Initialism 

I did cut my ID card which is good etiquette 


brass instruments

E.g.: One of my friends is playing trombone

originally (adv): 1-in the beginning; when something first existed:
E.g.: It was a bedroom originally, but we turned it into a living room.
E.g.: They now live in California, but originally they came from Mexico.
E.g.: Originally I’m from Nanjing, but now I live in Shanghai

abbreviation  -缩写, a short form of a word or phrase:
E.g.: CPE is an abbreviation for Certificate of Proficiency in English.
E.g.: SE is an abbreviation  for Smart English.
ABC-American Born Chinese

Speaking exercise

My best friend is Bella who is a girl. She is very pretty and sings very well with me. She is the only one who would like to go with me when we have our birthday. She has taught me how to ride a horse and we have the same hobbies, sing and eat pork. When we have birthday which is our favourite day, we go to call our friends come with us and attend my class with me. This sunday is my birthday. She will give a racing car but I give her a drone when it is her birthday. i said that it is very expensive so we take good care of it.

My best friend is Bella who is a girl. She is very pretty and sings very well with me. She is the only one who would like to go with me when we have our birthdays. She has taught me how to ride a horse and we have the same hobbies, singing and eating pork. When it is our birthday which is our favourite day, we go to call our friends to come with us and attend class with me. This Sunday is my birthday. She will give me a racing car but I will give her a drone for her birthday. i said that it is very expensive so we should take good care of it.


Once upon a time there was a little rabbit called Kiki, he has blue fur and blue eyes. He was very handsome everyone likes him .

In 1943. Kiki saw a fox. The fox said ” If you visit me in the afternoon I will turn you into a red rabbit” but he’s lying to Kiki. Kiki’s favorite color is red so he’s very happy. Kiki went to the fox’s house, the fox let Kiki close his eyes and splash the gray coloring spell on him. When Kiki opened his eyes he saw that his fur turned into gray, he’s very sad so he cried.

That is now rabbits have gray fur and  a two very sad red eyes.


Once upon a time there was a little rabbit called Kiki, he had blue fur and blue eyes. He was very handsome and everyone liked him .

In 1943. Kiki saw a fox. The fox said ” If you visit me in the afternoon I will turn you into a red rabbit” but he was  lying to Kiki. Kiki’s favorite color is red so he was very happy. Kiki went to the fox’s house, the fox let Kiki to close his eyes and then casted the gray coloring spell on him. When Kiki opened his eyes he saw that his fur turned into gray, he was very sad so he cried.

That is why the  rabbits now have gray fur and  a two very sad red eyes.


they are crashing on methey are crashing into me

give sth to me / give me sth
eg. my friends always give me presents on my birthday

verb + ing = verb noun
eg. eating pork is something I love to do

I like coffee – noun
Drinking coffee is great – verb noun

it is my birthday next week

“A friend of mine”: total number of friends is at least one.
“One of my friends”: total number of friends is greater than one
“My only friend”: total number of friends is equal to one.
“My friend”: total number of friends is unknown.

trombone is more heavier than cello -trombone is heavier than cello