VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Use some words from this picture in some writing. Make your sentences longer with BECAUSE BUT AND SO IF WHEN


I am eating
Tomorrow I will eat
Yesterday I ate

Have you been to Japan?
Yes, I have been to Japan

Have you eaten pizza before?
Yes, I have eaten pizza before

Yesterday did you eat pizza?
No, yesterday I didn’t eat pizza
Yes, yesterday I did eat pizza / Yes, yesterday I ate pizza

Did you go to school yesterday?
No, I didn’t go to school yesterday
Yes, I went to school yesterday

Speaking exercise

the mermaid is sad but he can sing a song and dancing. when she is sleeping she is dancing in her dreams. Then, she wake up and she see a vampire and then a fairy help her and she go in to a castle because she is tired. In the castle she see a witch and wizard so she buy a witch and wizard eat.

In Japan in 1978 a mermaid was sad but she could sing a song and dance. when she was sleeping she danced in her dreams. Then, she woke up and she saw a vampire and then a fairy helped her and she went into a castle because she was tired. In the castle she saw a witch and wizard and she was eaten by them.


1978 – nineteen seventy eight

mermaid – mer mayd

dreams – dreemz

vampire – vam peyer

fairy – fair ree

castle – cas el

wizard – wiz ard