VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

I can speak English – So can I
I love coffee – So do I
I don’t love coffee – Neither do I
I shouldn’t drink coffee – Neither should I 
I went to Japan – So did I
I haven’t been to Taiwan – Neither have I 

trustworthy – sb you can trust
eg. Jesse is a very trustworthy man and so is Toto

disabled – your body has a problem so you can’t do normal things

sleight of hand

reflect – when sth comes back to the original place
eg. a mirror can reflect any light that touches it

Who are the main characters?
What do they want to do?

What problem / solution do they need to find?
How do they resolve the problem / find the solution?

How did the main character learn / improve?

What happens in the end?

Speaking exercise

Last week I watched Avatar which is a very famous movie from America. It is about a boy whose name is Jake and wants to save the blue guys and kill the bad people. He can’t walk but when he is a blue guy he can walk. He ride on the dragons and the horses and only he use guns but the other blue guys use something very pointy with wood. He meets a princess and the other blue guys go and kill the bad people. The bad people go to this planet because they’re going to kill them and they use fireball guns and some robots to kill the blue guys. The human want to kill the tree but the tree is their home and then everyone is very sad and then also many people die from the fight and the man that is the princess father is a person and he breaked the box where jake is sleeping and in the other world Jake can’t breathe because in the other planet there is no oxygen.

Last week I watched Avatar which is a very famous movie from America. It is about a boy whose name is Jake and wants to save the blue guys and kill the bad people. He can’t walk normally but when he is a blue guy / a native he can walk. He rides on the dragons and the horses and only he uses guns / he is the only one that uses guns but the other blue guys use something very pointy made of wood / use wooden weapons. He meets a princess who is very beautiful but doesn’t trust him at the start but she thinks that he is trustworthy so they go and kill the bad people. The bad people go to this planet because they’re going to kill them and they use bombs and grenades and some robots / mechs to kill the blue guys. The humans want to kill / destroy the tree but the tree is the native’s home and then everyone is very sad / all of the natives are depressed /  and then also many people die from the fight / battle / war and the man that is the princess’ father is a person and he broke the box where jake is sleeping and in the other world Jake can’t breathe because on the other planet there is no oxygen.