VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Needs more review

medicine – yao 

throat – the inside of your neck where food goes down


Speaking exercise

i like drinking coffee because it is very nice but coffee is bitter. Every week I drink one glass of coffee when I go to Smart English. Maybe you are tired so you drink coffee but it’s very expensive. Jesse’s nose can drink the coffee and he can smell it very clearly. His tongue can lick it, and his eyes can look at it.


clear = qing chu

song – ge

can’t remember / forget = wang ji

astronaut – someone whose job it is to go to space

eg. a boat floats on water

gigantic – very very big

squash – if you jump on a banana you will squash it

eg. pancakes are flat but balls are round

equator – the middle line of the earth

kilometers – km
eg. the earth is 40,000 kms across