VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


– zui chun

Woman = 1 = “woo men”
Women = 2 or more – “wi men”

but = dan shi


in home at home

because / so / but / and / when / if 
I like coffee because it is yummy
I like coffee so I drink it every day
I like coffee but it is expensive
When I drink coffee I am happy
If I drink coffee every day, I will have no money

Speaking exercise

My favourite teacher is Mr Xia because he is not a woman. I don’t like women teachers because they are strict but Mr Xia isn’t. Mr Xia’s face is round and he is tall. He doesn’t have a lot of hair on his head but I don’t know why because he is young. His neck has a lump and he is thin and his eyes are big. He is a natural teacher so I think he is a good teacher. I have class with him once every 3 days and it is very fun.

bold words are new words