VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


I can see an Eagle. It is flying. It is really big. I really like it.

I want to go to the subway because I want to go to school.
Tomorrow I will go to the subway.
Yesterday I went to the subway

it is 5:30

I am talking to you now
Yesterday I talked to you
Tomorrow I will talk to you

Raining / Sunny / Hot / Cold
It is raining today
It is cold today
It will be hot tomorrow
It was cold yesterday

Comfortable / Uncomfortable (not comfortable)
I think my eyes are very comfortable.
I am not comfortable / I am uncomfortable

Happy / Unhappy (not happy)
Yesterday I was unhappy but today I am really happy.

normal / past
wake up / woke up
drink / drank

Speaking exercise

Today I woke up 7AM and then I drank apple juice. I thought it was really yummy.