VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Write about your favourite food / drink. Why do you like it? Where do you go to eat / drink it?


eg. I am good but you are better

eg. this phone is bigger than that phone

eg. 6pm is later than 5pm

it is late = wan
i am late = chi dao

the train is late = it is late = chi dao

it is hot

have plans – da suan / ji hua
eg. I have plans to travel during CNY

during – at / on / in yi dian shi jian
eg. during CNY I will stay in Shanghai

start work < > finish work
eg. I start work at 12pm every day and I finish work at 9 to 10pm.

start my work / start working < > finish my work / finish working
eg. I start work at 12pm but I don’t start working until 12:30pm.

I have a cup of coffee every day.

Sometimes I have a cup of coffee every day but sometimes not / I don’t, and sometimes more.

thirsty – want to drink

i feel like _____ = I want to eat / drink ____.

straight whiskey / on ice / with ice (on the rocks) / with water

I have a phone which is iphone

I lived in Japan until 2011 = after 2011 I didn’t live in Japan.


grammar – “gram ma”

camera – “cam ra”

Speaking exercise

I arrived early today because I finished work early and I didn’t have any plans so I came here directly from the bund. I had a cup of coffee when I waited because I felt like it.

today I got up at 11AM which is early for me and then I had a hot shower because I had to clean myself and had fried rice and (some / a cup of / a little) soy milk for lunch from 11AM to 12PM. After that I worked / I did some work at the bund from 1pm to 2pm and then I came here for English class / to learn English but I came here / arrived early so I had a cup of / some / a long black coffee until 4PM.