VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [R / S]


She turns the light back on. She opens her book. She starts to read her book. It is a good book. She reads one page. Then she reads another page. After a while, she feels sleepy. She closes the book. She turns off the light. She closes her eyes. She goes to sleep.


start – kai shi
eg. We start class at 3 o’clock

start < > finish 

page – ye
eg. I read page 1 and then I read page 2. Next page please

another – ling wai yi ge

next one – xia yi ge < > last one – shang yi ge

after – yi hou
eg. I have class and after class I go home

while – yi hui
eg. After a while I will go home – guo yi hui 

sleepy – kun / feel tired

eyes – yan jing
eg. I close my eyes to sleep

1250 – 1 thousand 2 hundred and fifty

1999 – 1 thousand 9 hundred and ninety nine

9999 – 9 thousand 9 hundred and ninety nine

10 thousand – yi wan

20 thousand – liang wan

90 thousand – jiu wan

ice – bing kuai

bread – miao bao

Speaking exercise

Jesse helped to write this about the Mr Bean cartoon:

Mr Bean watches the movie, and eats some popcorn. His tooth is sore. He puts salt in some water, and he drinks it and he thinks it tastes bad. He puts the water into his mouth. He opens the fridge and takes some ice and puts it on his mouth to sleep.