VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [R]

Needs more review

Brian has a fast car. He drives his car fast. He never gets a ticket. His car is too fast for the police. They chase him, but they can’t catch him. Brian always escapes from the police. The police want to catch him. But their cars are too slow. Brian’s car is very fast. He likes to drive over 100 mph. When he sees the police, he waves to the police. The police turn on their sirens. They turn on their red lights. They chase after Brian. Brian speeds up. He passes all the other cars on the road. He escapes from the police.


if you’re busy it means business is good

free < > busy
eg. In the morning I am free, but in the evening I am busy

annoyed – not happy / feels uncomfortable – hen fan
eg. I am annoyed at you / I am annoyed because of Judy

eg. putting the garbage in different bins is annoying. I am so annoyed

salary – the money you get every month
eg. My salary is 10,000 RMB

energy – jing li
eg. she doesn’t have enough energy so she drinks coffee

treat – dui
eg. my husband treats me very well

feedback – fan kui
eg. Jenny gave me some feedback – she said “your class is good, but sometimes boring”
eg2. I always give Judy feedback about her / I gave her some good feedback

advice – jian yi / zhong gao
eg. Jenny gave Judy some advice about staff

shampoo – wash your hair
eg. I shampoo my hair every day / I wash my hair with shampoo every 2nd day
conditioner – make your hair soft
eg. I use conditioner on my hair

air conditioner – kong tiao

my health is important
I want to be healthy so I eat fruit

wet < > dry

per – each one
eg. I have 7 classes per day

each / every 

I will give every student homework
I will give each student different homework

what’s the difference? – you shenme qu bie
eg. there is a small difference between each and every
eg2. there are many differences between China and America

childhood < > adulthood

child = kid
adult = grown up – cheng ren

male / man < > female / woman 

cafe – ka fei guan – ka FAY

coffee – ka fei – KO fee
eg. I like KOfee at the kaFAY

I call my friend / phone my friend / give my friend a call

phone – foee n

I wash him

get dressed / put on your clothes  -put clothes on your body
wear some clothes
get changed – huan yi fu
take off your clothes – tuo yi fu

put on shoes
tie your shoe laces 
take off your shoes

trash / rubbish / garbage – la ji
eg. we have 3 rubbish bins (la ji tong)

recycle – ree saii kl
eg. in Shanghai we need to recycle our garbage


as = the same

I think of you as my friend
I act as the boss
I am as tall as you