F2F Class Notes (Jesse) [R]

Next Class Focus

Do more reading from a real news source (not an English learner news site)



well off = rich

I defaulted on my loan – i couldn’t make the payments

, – comma
‘ – apostrophe 

probe – sth that is done to try to find answers / data
eg. The police are probing our company to try to find anything we’re doing wrong
eg2. I’m trying to probe the customer to try to find out what they’re interested in

lift the veil – uncover the truth

precise / precision – accuracy

tide / tidal / tidally  

blue / shoe / clue / moon


The Chang’e-4 probe started sending photographs back to Earth soon after it landed on the moon’s surface. The China National Space Administration said the mission had, “lifted the mysterious veil” from the far side of the moon and “opened a new chapter in human lunar exploration”. Sun Zezhou told reporters about the significance of the program. He said it would, “help lay the foundation for future space exploration.” He added: “A high-precision landing is a necessity for further exploring the moon and asteroids. We hope to be able to reach the whole moon and even the whole solar system.” China also has plans to launch a returnable spacecraft (Chang’e 5) by 2020.


Fahrenheit – fa ren hight

Celsius – sel see yus

necessity – neh SESS sity
necessary – NES sess sarry
eg. we don’t really have the necessity for it

experience – ecks beer ree yen sez
me and you – mee yand you

mysterious veil – mis deer ree yus | vay yel

moon – think “lv se” – front of your lips

asteroid – AS ter royyd