VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


remind – ti xing
eg. You reminded me, so I can remember

what do you mean? / sorry? – normal

pardon / excuse me – 正式 / formal

I can’t remember / I forget / I forgot – wang ji

salon –  place you go to do your hair / nails / beauty
eg. I went to a nail salon
eg2. Angela works at a hair and nail salon

colleague = coworker – tong shi / a person you work with – “coh leeg”

Speaking exercise

I woke up at 5:60. I took my son to go to school for 7:30. I went to jinqiu at 9:30 and I went to Angela’s salon at 11:30 and last I went to here 2 o’clock. I will going to afternoon tea with my friend about 2 hours. I will going to eat dinner with I old colleague.

I woke up at 5:30 in the morning / AM and I took my son to school at 7:30. I went to jinqiao at 9:30 and then I went to Angela’s salon at 11:30 and last I came here at 2 o’clock. I will go to / I am going to go to eat afternoon tea with my friend for about 2 hours. I will go to eat dinner with my old colleague.

I have a coffee because the weather makes me sleepy / tired so I have a lot of energy now. When I drink coffee, I’m always very happy but the coffee is very expensive so I can’t drink it every day. If I think I need to drink coffee, I just have one / I just do.


I study English in SE training company which is on nanjing lu

where = and at that place
eg. I went to a cafe and at that place I could see so many people = I went to a cafe where I could see so many people.

which = and it
eg. I went to a cafe and it was really big = I went to a cafe which was really big.
eg2. I went to Angela’s salon. I do it every week = I went to Angela’s salon which I do every week.

who = and he / she / they 
eg. I went to a place and met a man and he was fat. = I went to a place and met a man who was fat.

I am going to / I will go to

I came to China last year
I went to Japan last year

here + there + home are special places! Don’t need “to”
I came here
I went there 
I came home / I went home

I go up
I go upstairs

at – dian
look at you

to – dao
I go to Australia
I am different to you

with – together
eg. I talk with you / I share my food with you

for – bang zhu / use time
I bought a cake for you
I have class for 1 hour

as – the same
eg. I am the same as you
eg2. I act as your boss

I take you home / I take him to school / I bring my phone here



son – sun
to – lv se