VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Write what you did today. From wake up to go to sleep. Use these words:

because / and / but / so
eg. I ate lunch but I didn’t like it
eg2. I went to school because I want to learn English


allergy / allergic
eg. I’m allergic to dog and cat hair

my eat very manyI eat very much

many – ke shu
much – bu ke shu
a lot – ke shu / bu ke shu

eg. I have a lot of money 
eg2. I have a lot of friends 

I like tigers because they are very cool – ying wei

What will you do today?

Today I go to play video games at home at 7:30PM.

What will you do before 7:30PM

Before 7:30 I will do homework from 5PM to 7PM for 2 hours.

How long do you have class at Smart English for? 

 I have class for 1 hour at this school.

What time do you wake up?

I wake up at 7AM

What time do you go to bed?

I go to bed at 10PM

What time do you go to school?

I go to school at 8AM

What time do you have lunch?

I have lunch at 12PM

7AM, 8AM, 11:59AM, 12PM

breakfast, lunch, and dinner 

6:10 = 6 10 
6:05 = 6 oh 5 
6:55 = 6 55

AM – morning
PM – afternoon + night