VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Do some writing using the words from today and focus on the grammar ideas in color at the bottom of the notes


supervise / watch over / control
eg. we can’t supervise everyone because there are too many staff

education – masters, degree etc
eg. Some people lie about their education

real < > fake 

the interview is passedthey passed the interview 

resume = CV “rez you may / rez oo may”

collaborate = work together to achieve 1 goal
eg. we can collaborate to make sure that everything runs smoothly

mandarin – pu tong hua / cantonese – guang dong hua

can’t hear / can’t listen / can’t understand <— different!!


when i was younger my mum can be cook

detail + POINT + detail + detail + detail 
At 5PM I WOKE UP to have breakfast and brush my teeth before going to work because …. 

I went to work and then I had some coffee.