VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from the last few classes in some writing. Correct your own simple grammar mistakes.


i want to there – i want to be there / i want to go there

client asked us to give them a trainingthe client asked us to give them some training / a training session

several of data – some data / a lot of data 

they spent few money we spent a little money 

we met togetherwe met 

one of my another friendanother friend of mine 

did you went to did you go there / have you been there


job typeservice 

roof – wu ding

the ppt was given / done by my colleague

I gave some additional advice

when i was more junior / younger

we used to use these words – before we used them but now we don’t
we are used to doing / we are used to sth = xi guan

peace (n)
peaceful (adj)

we missed our stop

pace of life – how fast the life

city infrastructure

pillar – a large and long structure