VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Do some writing using some of the words from today / or, send us an email from work.


get back the bikesget the bikes back

i want to go with my girlfriend together – i want to go with my girlfriend


sometimes / occasionally / from time to time / every now and then 

housewife – a wife that stays at home and takes care of the family

one or two minutes – a minute or two 

how about i tell you a story that made me not eat fish for 6 years 

fairytale – stories that we tell children
eg. robin hood is a fairytale about a boy who takes money from the rich and gives it to the poor

incense – xiang
eg. we burned incense by the bed to ward off / scary away the evil spirits

lived – permanent residence
stayed – hotel / hospital etc

exorcism – 驱魔

placebo – 安慰剂

superstitious – sb who believes in weird things and thinks they have special meaning (magic)
eg. my family is very superstitious which is quite common where I’m from