VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Whiskey – Hibiki (harmony)


humid – chao shi de tian qi
eg. today is very humid

slept in / sleep in – to sleep longer than normal
eg. today I slept in for 2 hours until 12PM

yesterday night – last night
eg. last night I went out with my friend to a club to drink.

a shot of tequila – long she lan

i didn’t feel like doing shots 

interesting – makes you think
fun – makes you happy / excited 
funny – makes you laugh

what percent is tequila? about 38%

salt, lemon, and tequila 

situation – sit you A shen (shen ti de shen) – qing kuang

it is better
it tastes better
it looks better
it feels better
it smells better
it sounds better

hood / hoodie
eg. I am wearing a hoodie but the hood is down

write it down / type it up
eg. can you please write that word down?

hat (normal) / cap (for sport) / beanie (for winter)

If he’s honest you can trust him. You can believe what he says.

better < > worse (more good < > more bad)
more beautiful < > less beautiful

He is getting better and better < > He is getting worse and worse
She is getting more and more beautiful < > She is getting less and less beautiful

a lot < > some – 10+
many < > much – 6-10
a little < > a few – 3-4
little < > few – 2-3

subway / metro / underground / train 

Do you have plans for the holiday?
I don’t have any plans

let’s see / we will see / I will wait and see – kan qing kuang / zai shuo

i don’t feel like to drink whiskeyI don’t feel like doing sth / I don’t want to do sth

I don’t start work at the same time every day
I start work at a different time every day

my work time is 2-3 hours every day and maybe on the weekend I don’t work, it’s my days off. So I can finish work at whatever time I want.

soda – tan suan ying liao

almost empty – bu dao

I am a vegetarian because I don’t believe in animal cruelty / believe in killing animals 

my teeth are better now / I feel better / I am better