VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

Reviewed all of last class. Leo remembered most of the words. Nice work!


go / gone
go / went
is / was
are / were
take / took
do / did
don’t / didn’t

and / and then / but / so / because / when / if

and then / after that
eg. I went to school and then I came home
eg2. I went to school today and learned a lot. After that, I came home.

it is very fun = makes you happy
it is very funny = makes you laugh – “hahaha
it is very hot

I want to eat cookies – xiang yao

Speaking exercise

these words i helped him with

today I get up at the a quarter to 7 and then I eat noodles. My mother took me go to the school because I don’t want go by myself. When I arrived at the school I read a book 10 minutes. It is very fun. And then I did exercise in the playground. I have class at the 9 o’clock.

these are corrections

today I got up at a quarter to 7 and then I ate noodles. My mother took me to school because I didn’t want to go by myself. When I arrived at school I read a book for 10 minutes and it was very fun. After that I did exercises in the playground. I had class at 9 o’clock.