VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Write about your best / worst experience at a restaurant.


let me have a look / let me see

bok choy 

tou fu – dou fu

experience – xp / exp – jing li

topic – ti mu

I’m a vegetarian, so any dish is ok but just without meat.

Can I change the meat for something else?
Can you just not add the meat?

Could you show me the menu? / Could I please get the menu? / May I have a menu?
I’m ready to order / Could I please order? / I’d like to order / Could you take my order?
Could I get the bill? / I’d like to pay / Can I get the check?

Could I get meal number 1? / Can I have the 2nd meal?

meal / set = tao can

Would you like a meal? / Would you like fries or a drink with that?

No thanks, just the burger / No thanks, I don’t want a meal

Can I change the drink for ____ (juice / coffee)

Yes but it’s extra / $1 extra…

a little more… a bit more

Do you have wifi? / Is there any wifi here?
What’s the wifi password?

whatever is ok / any is ok, just not meat or seafood (but I’m not vegan)

what does ___ mean? 

Sorry, I can’t understand… – bu dong!

reserve / book 
eg. I booked a table for 1 under Ivan / I reserved a table under Ivan

bathroom – xi shou jian
eg. Sorry do you have a bathroom here? / Sorry, where is the bathroom? / Sorry, is there a bathroom here?

Sorry I need to charge my phone… do you have a power point? 

Sorry I have waited for a long time… how long do you think it will be? (how much longer will my food be…?)

Sorry I still haven’t got _____ (food).