VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


swipe – shua
eg. I swipe the card to pay / I swipe to the next video

watch the film – watch films 

I like / I’m into / I’m a fan of 

different taste in …
eg. he has a different taste in fashion, movies…

opposite / anti-matthew

anti-climax – disappointing
eg. Ohh man… what an anti-climax

fashion sense / sense of style

cordial – not positive not negative relationship feeling / friendly feeling but formal

I can’t tell who is who / I can’t tell the difference = I can’t feel / know

identical twin – the same
fraternal twin – different
eg. I am an identical twin

civil war – a war within a country between people of that country

slavery was abolished – stopped strongly / forcefully

gold rush
eg. there was a huge gold rush in Australia

hood / hoodie
eg. if a black man wears his hood up and a police sees him, he’s in trouble

trick / brainwash = fool sb


fooled – do the “oooo” first, then tongue up for “l”