VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

do a speaking exercise and make sure tony focuses on correcting his own chinglish


repercussion (manual) = consequence (natural)
eg. my boss will decide what repercussions there will be for him

willy nilly – random / whenever you want for no reason
eg. my boss just gives me work willy nilly

you can you up = if you’re so good then you do it yourself 

at ease – easy / comfortable / relaxed

communist – chinese gov

metropolis – big important city
eg. i live in a metropolis

advantages – good things you can get / benefits
eg. the advantages of being part of the communist party are…

awkward / embarrassed – gan ga
eg. i felt really embarrassed because i thought her son was her husband

insulin – yi dao su
eg. I need to inject insulin in him every day


i don’t have enough experience with african people

they’re talking on phone – on the phone

it has still – it still has 

serves for people – serves people
serve – you do sth for sb