VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


write about the process of making your mum’s coffee and look up some of the words you need


wait a while – wait some time
wait a bit – wait a short time
eg. please wait a bit, I will be right back

burn – too hot, so becomes black
eg. you need to take it off the heat otherwise it will burn

scoops – “spoon” to measure an amount of sth
eg. i put 2 scoops of coffee

stove – the top of the oven area that lets you fry things
eg. I put the pan on the stove to cook the egg

sink – to go down naturally

as soon as / immediately
eg. as soon as it starts boiling, you turn it off and wait 5 minutes for the sediment to sink to the bottom

grain / grind
eg. i grind the beans and it becomes grind

sediment – the little bits at the end / bottom after making sth

turn it on > heat the __ up > simmer > boil > turn it off / take it off the heat 

talk out loud  / say it out loud
eg. Elena is a little crazy because she talks out loud to herself often