VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


shut down – to close / stop 
shut up –
to stop talking
shut = close
eg. This company will shut down for 2 weeks. Please shuttup, I hate you.

downsize – to make a company smaller / less staff etc
eg. we will downsize because of the corona virus

control freak – sb who always tries to control everything

stubborn – gu zhi 
arrogant – zi da
egotistic – zi si

lying (to not tell the truth) / cheating (bigger / trying to win a game)/ tricking (small cheat / fun)

negativity – fu mian
eg. she tries to accept the negativity so she can be stronger

pandemic (sickness spread through the world) / epidemic (sickness within 1 area)

100 wan = 1 million

5 wan – jia yi ge ling bian cheng 1000
55 wan – jia yi ge ling bian cheng 1000

a lot of times – over and over / again and again / constantly 


most times – most of the time