VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Write an email to the current agent and explain the problem and what you want them to do. Be polite + professional but make sure you say what you really need from them.


palace – a king / queen’s home

mall / shopping center – shang chang

belt – pi dai

perfume – women
aftershave / cologne – men’s perfume

electric razor
eg. I got him a razor for his bday

it’s more promise – romantic 

practical – useful

sentimental – related to your emotions instead of sth useful or practical

I haven’t finished the homework = sounds like you started but maybe only 30%
I haven’t done the homework = sounds like you haven’t started

programming language / coding – C++ / JAVA

monetize – to make rules / processes to make sure a game can make money
eg. We need to monetize the game

shareholder – sb who owns part of a company
eg. I am a shareholder in / of SE

profitable – making profit / making money
eg. this company is profitable

revenue stream – the channel / way of getting money

vision – your idea, what you plan for the future for sth

how you can win the competition – beat
eg. I beat you = I hit you again and again
eg2. I beat you = I win, you lose

finish down the PPT I spent 4 months to finish the PPT i spent 4 months 

draft – a version of sth that you do that helps you get the final one
eg. I did 5 drafts of the PPT before I finished it

punctual – often on time
eg. please be punctual = please be on time

time sensitive – if it’s late, there’s a big problem


when we invest in them
i focus on it

I know what you want to drink
I know the drink which / that you want